Hush, child: A Suspense Novel
Hush, child is a supernatural thriller that explores powerful themes addiction, love, and redemption ” in a dangerous and adventurous plot that explodes with action and emotion.
About the Book
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Judah Greer is an alcoholic without the will to sober up, that is until his long-lost daughter reenters his life. When Mara becomes the twenty-fifth victim of a serial kidnapper, he launches out on a frantic quest to save her. Aided by a mysterious young girl who may or may not exist, and a detective with a vendetta of her own, he tumbles down a rabbit hole and into a world where nothing is certain and no one is safe.
˃˃˃ A Story Of Good Versus Evil
The spiritual clashes with the natural in this supernatural thriller as events spiral out of control toward an ending prophesied from the most ancient of Holy texts: “Behold, I will send you the spirit of Elijah before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord. He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse.”
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David Halvorsen
Hello, I'm Dave, a dad of three (and counting) and a husband of one (and not counting ;-). Writing has been a hobby and love of mine since grade school. I find that there's a freeing aspect to it, where I can create fresh and exhilarating worlds filled with complex characters that soar unfettered. Where do they fly? Well, I'm glad you asked. They fly towards, and into, that realm that spans over the heavens, the one that's invisible to the natural eye yet while also being woven throughout human affairs. It's a realm that watches our comings and goings, our thoughts and deeds, one that sees us as we are and who it is that we aim to be. It's a realm cloaked in both darkness and light, where struggles are experienced and outcomes realized. For the good, for the bad, the story unfolds bringing us down its rapids and over the brink, or along its lazy path that winds through the meadow. Yet each adventure of joy and sorrow is guided by a northern light. It's a star. And it's calling out to us, showing us the way...
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