Purpose draws Potential, Potential brings to life
Destiny. "Understanding you have a purpose is the first brick on
the road to Destiny!" - Otis Teague
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This book asked the question- Is the Church the World’s only Hope? “That with all the challenges and changes people are facing within today’s society in the game called life, when there is an ever increasing need for HOPE where is the church. It is as if injuries have sidelined the church. One of the greater questions, is have we lost sight of the things in this world that really matter? Do people still matter or has the focus of life been lost behind distractions, turmoil’s, and mentalities of individualism for the sake of personal gain.
This book speaks to your heart about how much you matter to God, letting you know that God loves you and that no matter what you have done or where you are in your life that -You can make it! If you would just get to know him, trust that He is a keeper of His word and simply give Him a chance to show you “Yourself”. The challenges we face are never more than we could handle. Though we never think about that while we are going through, but after you live through significant life- changing events, you should realize and know that nothing can
overtake you unless you let it and nothing is greater than the Love God has for you.
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