Susie Harrison

Susie Harrison was born in East L.A. (Mom says West LA), though she is no Cheech and Chong. From an early age, she carried around a little notebook and pencil to document her imaginary world, just to keep a record.

During her high school years, much of her poetry and stories were often submitted by this English teacher or that, to magazines that honored young talent. A tale or two of hers often was published unbeknownst to her at the time. She was too busy being a teenager to take much notice.

Susie obtained her first educational certification in Children’s Literature online in 1999.
In College, she earned a Paralegal Degree. There were lots of writings there, although many were legal documents. Susie could craft words in favor of her bosses clients in articulate ways.

Susie went on to do volunteer work with charity organizations that fought for the rights of the less fortunate. Her writings and press releases caught the eye of a few that made major news sources like CNN, LA Times and smaller community news outlets regarding some injustice.

By 2000, now a married Mom of four children, she was the author of two published books ‘Innocent Insights’ and ‘Our Biggest Little Hero’. One a compilation of cute things kids say and the other a true story of one of her infants being born at 1 1/2 pounds at birth.

Throughout her life, she has been requested to write Guest Columns for local newspapers and many of her thoughts were published in newspapers across several western states.

In 2009, one of Susie’s children, a son, was shot to death while away at college. This devastating loss took her will to write away for many years.

But as God would have it, life and an interest in writing again perked back up in 2016. Susie’s daughter got her hooked on Audibles and before she knew it, Susie was destined to write another book. This time fiction, in the apocalyptic ‘genre’… well that ought to be its own genre, Susie believes.

Near the end of June 2017, Susie has just published ‘After the Waves’ to put a housewives perspective into the ‘end of the world’ scenarios normally written by men, their dogs, and guns.

The Saga continues with ‘Waving False Flags~ Sandi’s Bloody Revenge and a third book to the trilogy this fall.

Susie now lives in a small Nevada town and enjoys her large family… and writing again. Still young enough to be tough, but old enough to be wise (sometimes).

The Waves Trilogy (3 Book Series)

The Waves Trilogy (3 Book Series)

This is not your average EMP story. Enemies of America use unique weapons that destroy one-third of the U.S. population in just a few short hours.

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