Abused without Mercy: One Woman’s Secret Life

Abused without Mercy: One Woman’s Secret Life
Author: Crystal Mary Lindsey
Genre: Inspirational
ASIN: 0648322564
ISBN: 0648322564

In this story you will read how one lonely girl gets caught in a web of abuse by her husband. This is in a time when problems in the home were not spoken about so she doesn’t know where to turn. She is also scared to talk to authorities for fear of punishment.

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A young innocent girl starved for affection meets a young man, desiring for him to fill a void in her life. She believes if she gives him everything he wants then he will love her in return. In her naivety she mistakes his lust for love. This man is a controller. By remaining loyal to him she ultimately ends up suffering…

An abortion at sixteen

Marriage to a man who only cares for himself

Cultural diversity _ Fear and shame used to control her

Physical abuse _ Beaten, and slapped

Mental abuse _ Self confidence and worth striped away, followed by anxiety and fear

Spiritual abuse _ No spiritual freedom. Persecuted and ridiculed for her beliefs

Witnesses the abuse of her children

Aware of her husband’s unfaithfulness

In this story you will read how one lonely girl gets caught in a web of abuse by her husband. This is in a time when problems in the home were not spoken about so she doesn’t know where to turn. She is also scared to talk to authorities for fear of punishment.

God’s wisdom says, “Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?” – 2 Corinthians 6:14 N.I.V.

Annie A. Cozens` is a wife, mother and grandmother. Having suffered hurt and shame she hopes by writing her story it will help other women from falling into that same trap. Although this is a different age in time with more education and discussion, abuse still thrives and women still remain silent. Annie escaped this marriage when she was almost fifty and went on to gain a professional career, proving you are never too old to learn. The scars do remain however and she has had to battle her emotions especially when made to feel inferior to another. She is now a semi-retired health professional and a Bible college graduate. “With God all things are possible.” – Matthew 19:26



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Crystal Mary Lindsey

An Author since 2012 and semi-retired Registered Nurse B.S.N (USA) B.N. (Aus). Wife, Mother of four grown children. Grandmother of ten. I reside in sub-tropical Queensland, Australia, with my American husband Raymond and our three little dogs. Monty (Australian Terrier, Mille` (Toy Foxy), and Marley (Toy Poodle). Late in 2008 I began to explore and enjoy the realm of creative writing. This is something which has always been an interest yet until now, I haven't found time to indulge. God is the cornerstone of my home and heart. He is my life and my breath, for without Him I am nothing. My desire is to edify His existence in my daily walk through life. To inspire and encourage the broken hearted. And to assist in the knowledge that EVERYTHING has a reason and a purpose under the Heavens. We are reminded through our faith in Jesus that He will, "Turn our Mourning into Dancing and our Sorrow into Joy." Psalms 30:11. Having personally experienced tough times I know, there is truly no gain without pain. LATE OF ROGERSVILLE, TENESSEE and Amedysis Home Health.

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