Andrew Harkless

Andrew Harkless was born in Orange, California in 1970, but raised in Pennsylvania. Andrew dropped out of Penn State University at the age of 20 with the deliberate, albeit unorthodox, intention to earn a more practical, street-smart degree by studying the human condition through countless bartending positions and extensive travel. From the moment after signing his college termination papers, he realized his new career path would be one of sparse means filled with challenging, often horrifying, periods of introspection and no holds barred character studies of everyone with whom he came in contact. From society’s upper echelon, to those whose resumes read like criminal rap sheets, no type of person was off limits in order for Andrew to hear, find, and create novel-worthy anecdotes. His ultimate goal: arm an innate imagination with enough real life experiences to eventually be proficient in creating authentic, heartfelt, relatable characters to act out the scenes of his imagination through his novels.

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