Genres: Fiction, Science Fiction/Fantasy

Only months after the 'War of Alien Aggression', Ram Devlin of the Staas Company Privateers ventures to Shedir 4 with the attack carrier Hardway and a new UN battleship.

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Only months after the ‘War of Alien Aggression’, Ram Devlin of the Staas Company Privateers ventures to Shedir 4 with the attack carrier Hardway and a new UN battleship. Pursued by a devastating Imperium warship, they seek allies and technology. Staas Company and the UN will stop at nothing to acquire what Earth needs to protect itself, but their gunboat diplomacy could cripple Humanity’s expansion by marking us as the galaxy’s most dangerous savages. Ram Devlin can’t allow that to happen, but before he can take control and bend the arc of history with his own hands, he’ll have to defeat an alien warship that possesses a fearsome weapon and displays no vulnerability.

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About the Author
A.D. Bloom

A.D. Bloom types loudly on a 1998 IBM M13 mechanical keyboard (13H6705), prefers writing on vertical monitors, and claims he'll make portable aerial radar from a $12 usb radio dongle when he's done with his current project.

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