Apprentice Mistake : A Short Story

Apprentice Mistake : A Short Story
Author: Owen Tyler

Download Apprentice Mistake to find out what happens when Teslanar tries to save an old man and ends up trapped in a secret passage.

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Teslanar, having just finished college at a magical school, has acquired an apprenticeship to the head sorceress of the college he attended. Things are looking good for Teslanar. After a few more years he can finally fulfill his life long dream of becoming a wizard.

Given his first chance to relax for an afternoon, Teslanar decided to take a stroll through the courtyard.  He has no idea that his afternoon will test him more than any teacher ever could.

Download Apprentice Mistake to find out what happens when Teslanar tries to save an old man and ends up trapped in a secret passage.

Reading Order:
Becoming an Apprentice
Apprentice Mistake

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Owen Tyler

Owen Tyler was born in 1976 and grew up in Billings, Montana. Owen considers self publishing to be a great opportunity. He has always enjoyed fantasy novels, which is why he chose to write in that genre. Owen grew up visiting the mountains where he enjoyed picturesque landscapes of epic proportion. He hopes to mimic some of that in his writing. He is currently working on a series of books that will continue the tale of Teslanar and his adventures in the world of Tahlia.

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