Chariots on the Highway

Chariots on the Highway
Genres: Fiction, Gay Romance, Romance

Chariots on the Highway: (Gay Romance) A story about Israel, about IDF's lone soldiers, about Love and war, and about the journey called life.

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About the Book

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Every year, young men come from all over the world to join the IDF and fight for Israel. They leave everything behind and becoming what known as lone soldiers.
Tom, a young man from Kansas, has traveled to Israel to fight for his people. He came to fight, He came to escape.
Dan Green has it all. He owns Greentech technologies, lives in a small mention near Tel Aviv, and looks like a movie star. But his blue eyes, hiding a storm that threatens to smash him.
The end of his marriage to Lena, his memories of his late father, his disappointment with himself and his internal wars, pushing him towards the edge.
Dan and Tom cross paths at a crucial point in their lives. None of them thought that what began as volunteering mission, will change everything they thought they knew.
This is a journey of exploration and discovery. About asking the right questions and finding the answers.
In traffic jams of Ayalon Highway, the bustle of the city, on the battlefield, and deep in their dreams. Together they peel layers of pain, and find themselves.

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About the Author
Limor Moya

My name is Limor Moyal, I was born in Israel on the night of October 4th 1973, straight into the battle clouds of the Yom Kippur War. I was born curious, alert and passionate about everything that the world around me has to offer. Curiosity and desire, these two traits lead me to any choice and decision I made in life. I explore anything that catches my interest and attention, I'm a true believer in 'CARPE DIEM', and act on my dreams, never postponing them. As I see it, life is short and sweet and I you should never do things tomorrow if they can be done today. I consider myself an artist. I love art and I love words, combining the two together is my way to express myself, which reflects my artistic personality as well as my romantic yet realistic soul. When I'm writing it feels like sculpting with words, just like real art, only the materials I'm using are adjectives, metaphors, and descriptive images. Even before I started writing I was, and still am, a devout reader. I read a lot, it won't be an exaggeration to say that I read three books a week. I read mostly English, since I'm a big believer in reading the original language, (even though my native tounge is Hebrew). I read novels of all genres, mostly contemporary but I do read historic novels from time to time (Mystery, Paranormal, Military, MM) and of course I also read classics (Bronte, Austen, Fitzgerald, Virginia Woolf) as well as known contemporary writers like Haruki Murikmi and Paul Oster. The classics were those who shaped me as a person and a reader. When I begin a relationship with a book, the connection starts without any preconditions from me, except for the basic requirement that the book would not insult my intelligence, but I can easily manage with everything else (dirty talk, taboo content, out of comfort zone content, or dark materials are welcomed). Between me and a book there is a very symbiotic connection, I give him my time, my heart and the utmost respect and openness, and in exchange I expect the book to teach me, excite me, maybe even change me, shake me and leave me with something that was not there before. A book that manages to do so will receive a special spot in my heart and perhaps a review here on the site or on Goodreads, in order to share the experience with you. Then one day I felt ready, that I'm all grown up (I always said I wanted to be a writer when I grew up) and when the time came, I wrote my first book "Chariots on the Highway" a gay romance (The original name in Hebrew is "Chariots on the Ayalon")

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