Hawk Shaman

Hawk Shaman

Only a lifelong secret of a great truth can save them, yet TaTisho seems to block Ky at every turn.

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(Note: This is a complete book.) Tia and her brother have been asked to leave their village to find their father’s long lost friend, TaTisho. As they near the village of TaLequa, they are trapped on a dangerous island where death awaits them. A young man, Ky, seeks to be the next shaman for the village but must risk a life of secrets and betrayal. He reaches out with both a helping hand and an open heart to save Tia and her brother. He needs a wife to become the shaman, but as he returns to the village, he learns another young leader has decided he, too, wants Tia for his wife. A third youth makes it clear he is willing to kill Ky and Tia to become the next shaman. Only a lifelong secret of a great truth can save them, yet TaTisho seems to block Ky at every turn.

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K. C. & AL Collier

Karen and Al Collier are a unique writing team. Al experiences severe epileptic seizures and ‘blackouts.’ During these blackouts he sees visions or mental movies, which he later describes to Karen, who then helps him convert these stories into novels. Al’s seizures cause dyslexia and other reading problems as well as writing difficulties. Karen translates and weaves his ramblings into a magical tale.
Prior to the onset of the seizures, Al worked in both print and broadcast journalism as well as being a paranormal investigator.
Karen and Al share a love of history, especially of the ancient Americans, and genealogy. For more information about them visit the web sites: For more information about Al's seizures visit: Epilepsy.com.

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