Category: Blog

The Top 3 Most Beautiful Libraries in the World

The concept of what we know today as a library dates back thousands of years. The first known library was established in the Middle East in the 7th Century and located in the current...

Some Interesting Facts About Mark Twain

Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens on November 30, 1835 in Florida, Missouri. He is best known and loved for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and  The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.    ...

Amazing Facts About Books

Do you love books? Well, here are some amazing facts to help you learn more about them.   The term “bookworm” derives from tiny insects who feed on the binding of books. These insects,...

Motivational Quotes for Writers

Feeling discouraged is a universal experience we all encounter at some point on our journey towards our goals. It’s important not to let those moments stall our progress. Instead, take a breather, regroup, and...

Cover image for The Hands That Held Me

A Review of The Hands That Held Me

The Hands That Held Me is a survivor’s true story detailing her horrific childhood abuse suffered while growing up. The author openly describes her journey of trauma, abuse, and addiction. It is a story...

A Review of Apartment 401 (Haunted Places)

Apartment 401 is a story about a newlywed couple named Brad and Julia who move into their new home. They are excited to start their new lives and have a baby on the way....
