The Power of Words

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Words, they are a mighty force,

They can build or tear down,

They can bring joy or sorrow,

They can heal or wound.

Words can inspire us to greatness,

Or lead us to our doom,

They can ignite wars,

Or bring about peace.

Words can be used to deceive,

Or to reveal the truth,

They can be used to manipulate,

Or to liberate.

But no matter how they are used,

Words have power.

They can change our minds,

And our hearts.

They can shape our world,

For better or for worse.

So let us choose our words wisely,

And use them for good.

For words can be a force for light,

In a world that is often dark.

Words of love can heal a broken heart,

Words of wisdom can guide us through the dark,

Words of courage can inspire us to be brave,

And words of hope can give us the strength to persevere.

So let us use our words to lift each other up,

To build each other up,

And to make the world a better place.

For words have the power to change the world.

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